Obtain a fresh, sharpened pencil or chopstick.

Stab it hard and fast, clean through one end of a Pringles can.

Kids: have an adult hold the can.

Thread through each hole a length of cheerful yarn, along which you've strung a small counterweight.

A washer, your car keys, whatever. Anything with weight, and a hole wide enough for string.

I'm using my pager, which hasn't gone off in eight months. I think it needs a new battery.

A Instring aperture
B Outstring aperture
C Balance drift chamber
D Source length
E Tassle length
F Opaque adhesive
G Counterweight
H White endcap adornment
I Translucent adhesive
J Pringles lid

Wrap white paper around each end. Use black electrical tape to seal two cans together in a continuous tube.



Stay focused!

After many hours in the magic lab architecting one wand, you probably won't be in the mood to produce a second one. But therein lies the whole point, I guess.